keskiviikko 15. tammikuuta 2014

Overclockers 560 ti

At the moment I have my GTX 560 TI stabilized from: (stock) Core Voltage - 1012 Core Clock - 830mhz Memory Clock - 2004mhz Fan Speed. All GTX 560 series owners are welcome to join OVERCLOCKING 1. Safe voltage for Fermi 114 GPUs (MSI 560 Ti/OC) 2. NEW! Unlocking. Hi, been trying to overclock my 560 Ti for about 4:30 hours now. Using Afterburner to change clocks, Kombustor for bench marking and.

25 Jan 2011 With the GTX 460.s fantastic overclocking pedigee, we had high hopes for the GTX 560 Ti 1GB when it came to ramping up the clock speeds. Starting with a 560 ti at 822 coreclock what do you think would be the highest possible stable OC And what have you gotten it to.

7 Feb 2011 ASUS GTX 560 DirectCU II Ti GPU Overclocking Session.

Best Overclock Balance for my GTX 560 TI -

24 Jan 2011 We.ll have a peek at temperatures, power consumption and overclocking of the GeForce GTX 560 Ti cards in SLI mode to squeeze out every.

GV-N560SO-1GI - Gigabyte

13 Jan 2012 A fairly significant gap in the market between the GTX 560 Ti and GTX 570 seemed to be begging for a card to bridge that gap. Answering the. GIGABYTE Super Overclock Series GeForce GTX 560 Ti (Fermi) GV-N560SO1GI Skip Image Gallery. GIGABYTE Super Overclock Series GeForce GTX 560 Ti. I.d like to see what everyone was able to get. I tried going above 1.00 GHz on the clock and chickened out after 1.2Volts. The maximum I can.

ASUS GTX 560 Ti DirectCU II TOP overclocked graphics card for superb 3D Vision™ Full throttle overclocking with exclusive ASUS Voltage Tweak via Smart. Powered by NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Ti GPU Integrated with industry.s best 1GB GDDR5 memory That.s why developed the Super Overclock Series.

? ? ? GeForce GTX 560/560Ti (GF114) ? ? 560 TI 448 Cores (GF110) ?.

Post your EVGA GTX 560 Ti FPB/SuperOverclock Overclock

I JUST GOT THE ZOTAC GTX 560 TI 2 GB, 256BIT, CAN.T SEEM TO FIND Honestly, I don.t think you need to overclock your card at all. Overclocking NVidia GTX 560 Ti. but if you are stuck mining with a 560 Ti ( bought it for gaming, then decided to go mining later, whatever). 29 Nov 2011 The ASUS GTX 560 Ti 448 Cores DCII is the only GeForce GTX 560 Ti It promises less noise, lower temperatures and better overclocking.

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